Mumbai – The Union #MinistryofHealthandFamilyWelfare has initiated the 16th #CommonReviewMission (CRM) to evaluate the implementation of various health schemes across the country. Under this mission, #Akola and #Sindhudurg districts in #Maharashtra have been selected for a detailed assessment. A team of central government officials is on a state visit from November 26 to 30, 2024, to review health schemes.

The team will inspect the execution, challenges, and areas for improvement in the health programs and submit a comprehensive report to the central government. Ahead of their visit, senior officials from the state health department held a meeting with CRM officials. The meeting, chaired by Additional Chief Secretary Milind Mhaiskar, was attended by Secretary Navin Sona, Amgothu Sri Ranga Naik, Commissioner, Health Servises and Managing Director, Dr. Swapnil Lade, Director, Dr. Nitin Ambadekar, Director and other key state health officials via video conferencing. The central review team comprises experts, including Dr. Vinay Garg, Deputy Director, CTD, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi; Dr. Anuradha Ag Monga, Chief Advisor, MoHFW,New Delhi, Dr. Sachin Kumar Patil, Assistant Professor, Manipal Tata Medical College, Jamshedpur; Jharkhand, Dr. Dhruvendra Pandey, Assistant Professor, GMC Ratlam, Madhya Pradesh, Dr. Akram Khan, Field Investigator, PRC Pune, Dr. Pranil M. Kamble, Senior Regional Director In-charge, RoHFW, Pune, Dr. Mary Debbarma SHSRC Meghalaya; Dr. Neha, Ext Consultant, QPS, NHSRC; Dr. S. Rajsubramaniam, ICMR-National Institute of Research in Tribal Health, Dr. K. Shivaranjani, RO Ayush, and Dr. Bijaya Kumar Malik, Associate Professor, NPEP/DESS.

This review aims to ensure better health service delivery, identify gaps, and suggest reforms to improve the effectiveness of health initiatives in Maharashtra.